In The Meantime was proud to host the BECOMING an ICON of the West Coast House & Ball Room Scene on Tuesday night. Greg Wilson facilitated an exceptional group. These internationally recognized ICONS have set the foundation and established legacy. They are the reason the Ball Room scene exist on the West Coast. Know It! You WILL call their names, Mother, Father, ICON! JA JA MIZARAHI, DIONE FERRAGAMO DEVINE LANVIN, KAGE MIZARAHI, DUKE MIZARAHI.


Becoming IVAN DANIEL III, ICON was just as I expected, Total Next Level! Just when you think you’ve got this guy figured out he come through with a Level Up. Mike the Mayor showed us his other super powers as he mastered the art of moderation. Last night was the first in the series of ICON presentations. Check Ivan out at

Becoming Jeffrey King, “It was a great night at Brothers Reaching Brothers. I’m blessed to be able to share my story. There is something powerful about sharing your truth. Thanks to everyone who came out to share a moment with us. Great job Javontae Wilson. It was great to have Jewel Thais-Williams in the house. Wow, a lot of me in these pictures…”


Queen Jewel Thais-Williams entered the overflowing meeting room at In The Meantime last Tuesday Night. We stood to our feet to pay homage and to celebrate a living legend and profound Iconic figure in our community. The Queen is 80 years of age, youthful, vibrant and quick on her feet. Oh yeah, she’s got jokes too. It was my honor to ask her a few questions about her amazing life. Jewel is a master storyteller. She has the ability to captivate you and transport you into the many time frames of her expansive life from childhood to elder. She blew out the candles on the birthday cake as we sang Happy Birthday in hood harmony. What a blessing!