master series
In The Meantime’s ‘Master Series’ 2020

Welcome to the DECEMBER 2020, ‘Master Series’, entitled, ‘RE-IMAGINE’, This TUESDAY night series will focus on the art of ‘Self Mastery’, ‘Co-Creation’, and the RE-IMAGINATION of our lives and the world we choose to live in.

Selected facilitators include:

GERALD GARTH, President and Lead Strategist, Garth Management Group, LLC., DOROTHY RANDALL GRAY, Executive Director at Heartland Institute for Transformation, PASTOR SAMMIE HAYNES, oulprenuer, Fashion Connoisseur and Lead Pastor of Vision LA, DENISE DAVIDSON, Yoga Guru, Licensed Marriage Family Therapist.

This month-Long Celebration of Excellence will culminate with In The Meantime’s 23rd annual Candle Light Ceremony, facilitated by JEFFREY KING, In The Meantime Executive Director

Here are a few links I captured from the web:…/the-7-definitive-steps…/…/